Question 0/0

Add questions by clicking settings bottom left :)


    settings Settings

    Shows a hint that reveals the number of characters (the answer → _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ ) - only works if "Multiple choice answers" is off


    If this is off then the 1st viewer to answer correctly will get this amount of points, each following answer will get 1 fewer points till it gets to 0
    Everyone that gets the correct answer will get the full points - Don't check this if you have the above switch checked also :)
    The first message each viewer types will be considered as an answer and they won't be able to answer again till next round


    If this is on then you have to write the answers like this: correct answer | choice 2 | choice 3 | choice 4
    If the switch is off you can add an alias for the answer: correct answer | alias | alias | alias

    Post an image link in the question field and press enter to embed it